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Public call for Investment Projects in the Canadian Defense Sector

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) wishes to contact representatives of organizations in Quebec, which are active in the academic and R&D spheres, to identify investment projects that, with the collaboration of partners, could be put forward with prime contractors (or OEMs) interested in Canadian government procurement projects subject to the Policy on Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITB). This initiative is organized in collaboration with Aéro Montréal and CRIA.


 CED is responsible for the implementation in Quebec of the Industrial and Technological Benefits Policy (ITB), which applies to most major Crown projects involving the acquisition of equipment and services for the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard.  As part of its role, CED promotes the capabilities of Quebec’s companies and the research community to prime contractors who wish to bid on procurement projects subject to the ITB Policy. These efforts are intended to support bidders in the preparation of their value proposition in order to maximize the carrying-out of projects in, and spin-offs for, Quebec.

The value proposition includes investment projects that will be evaluated using criteria based on the 5 pillars presented in the Value Proposition Guide.

Objectives and types of projects Looked-for:

CED wishes to identify major projects being developed and whose completion could be made possible thanks to the contribution of one of the bidders who could integrate it into its value proposition.

The projects sought should:

– Be within one of the following pillars: C3-Research and Development or C5-Skills Development and Training.

– Be linked to one or more of the following key industrial capabilities (KICs) in the emerging technologies group: advanced materials, artificial intelligence, cyber resilience, self-piloted and autonomous systems and technologies, space systems.

– Require total investments of several million dollars and generate benefits for the aerospace industry or high-tech sectors.

CED could work with those responsible for these projects to promote them to one or more bidders.

This solicitation is not related to any government or private funding program and is not part of a competitive process such as a competition. The projects submitted will not be selected or evaluated by any jury or authority. CED does not commit to promoting all the projects received. This partnership approach implies that the information transmitted in the attached template can be shared between the partners. The completed templates will not be sent to the prime contractors at this stage.

Next Steps:

At this stage, the objective is to identify and list potential projects. We invite you to use this template  Value Proposition Guide: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/086.nsf/eng/00006.html   to transmit information about your project.

Projects transmission:

– Preliminary version: no later than January 31st , 2019

– Final version: no later than February 15th, 2019

An information and exchange session on R&D and skills development projects related to the ITB Policy will be organized in the next few weeks in collaboration with Aéro Montréal and CRIAQ. This session will provide an opportunity to improve understanding of these aspects of the Policy and initiate discussions among partners from industry and the research community. . Proponents who have submitted projects will then be contacted to discuss their promotion to prime contractors.

Please contact the following Advisors with any questions you might have or to transmit your template :       

Mathieu Etchecopar, CED, mathieu.etchecopar@canada.ca | Tel: 514-589-8732

Mathieu Trudelle, CED, mathieu.trudelle2@canada.ca | Tel: 819-997-3788


Source: press release

Photo credit : Canadian Forces

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